MondoRescueでエラー |
- ????????? 2011/06/10 13:38
- ????????? ならずけ
mondoarchive -Oi -L -d /backup -E /backup -s 4700m ---evalcall---1--- Making catalog of / ---evalcall---2--- TASK: [**..................] 6% done; 0:15 to go <中略> ---evalcall---1--- Dividing filelist into sets ---evalcall---2--- TASK: [********************] 99% done; 0:00 to go ---evalcall---E---
Your backup will probably occupy a single ISO. Maybe two. Done. Copying Mondo's core files to the scratch directory Done. Calling MINDI to create boot+data disks Your boot loader is GRUB and it boots from /dev/sda Waiting for 'echo hi > //mondo.tmp.cR46Kf/mojo-jojo.bla.bla ; mindi --custom / Mindi failed to create your boot+data disks. Fatal error... Failed to generate boot+data disks ---FATALERROR--- Failed to generate boot+data disks If you require technical support, please contact the mailing list. See http://www.mondorescue.org for details. The list's members can help you, if you attach that file to your e-mail. Log file: /var/log/mondoarchive.log Mondo has aborted. Execution run ended; result=254 Type 'less /var/log/mondoarchive.log' to see the output log rm: cannot remove directory `//mondo.tmp.cR46Kf/mnt1': デバイスもしくはリソースがビジー状態です
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